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Better together: CAISO’s pursuit of a collaborative grid out West

June 26, 2024
Plaza Ballroom III
System planning , Policy and regulation , Utility-scale

10:30-11:15 AM PST

The Western grid is in the midst of a transformation designed to boost reliability, support decarbonization efforts, and improve regional cooperation. The recently approved extended day-ahead market (EDAM) presents an opportunity to improve market efficiency and expedite clean energy deployment. This panel discussion will unpack CAISO’s market evolution and its focus on supporting regional cooperation across the West. 

Billy Gamboa, 15 year Distributed Energy Professional
Kerstin Rock, Managing Director Western Market Policy & Analytics - PacificCorp
Anna McKenna, Vice President Market Design and Analysis - CAISO
Rahul Kalaskar, Director, Regulatory Affairs - The AES Corporation
Marianna Rasamoela, Senior Manager, Energy Markets - Avantus
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