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Non-wire alternatives as real-world solutions: How DERs impact transmission planning and reliability

June 25, 2024
Plaza Ballroom I II
Microgrids , DER , Utility-scale

4:15-5:00 PM PST

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As California adds more Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) to the grid, transmission planners must account for extra load. How can we spot issues on the distribution grid before they cause problems at the transmission level? This session will discuss reliability reform on both sides of the meter, FERC Order 2222, and explore how DERs can postpone or forgo transmission development. 

Kelsey Devine, Commercial Delivery Manager - Piclo
Ben Schwartz, Policy Manager - Clean Coalition
Shea Hughes, Vice President of Business Development - Scale Microgrids
Leah Rubin Shen, Managing Director - Advanced Energy United
Devin Rauss, Principal Manager - Distribution - SCE
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