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Peer-to-peer roundtable: Unifying tools, processes, and stakeholders for efficient interconnection in California and beyond

June 25, 2024
Pacific Room
Policy and regulation , Utility-scale

2:15-3:00 PM PST

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The electric power industry has a significant challenge meeting transformational changes in power supply and power demand. The energy transition from synchronous fossil fuel resources to inverter-based resources is unprecedented and stresses existing processes and systems. The current state of generation interconnection depends on a disparate set of technologies including in-house proprietary systems, spreadsheets, ad hoc data repositories, and standalone engineering support tools. These varied tools create hurdles to achieving a clear shared understanding of deadlines, task ownership, fees, network upgrade costs. They also negatively impact data accuracy, slowing the processing of interconnection applications.

With the significant and evolving requests being managed in the queue today, a major advancement in communication and processing is necessary to effectively handle this influx. Further, Generation Interconnection improvements with FERC Order 2023 will require substantial rework in the enabling tools used by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTO), non-RTO Transmission Providers, and Utility Operating Companies.  

This session will bring together these key stakeholders with technology providers to investigate a more holistic, collaborative, and integrated solution to properly serve their customers and members, a solution that will:

  • Streamline the interconnection process
  • Establish centralized real-time communication     
  • Enable centralized model access and automation
  • Introduce a cost estimation learning engine
  • Implement sophisticated cost allocation methods
  • Incorporate digitization principles and cybersecurity
Robert Sherick, Account Manager - GridUnity
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