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The battery safety dance

June 26, 2024
Plaza Ballroom I II
Electric vehicle and the grid , Battery storage , Policy and regulation

8:30-9:15 AM PST

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 We can dance if we want to, but we'd rather talk about battery energy storage fires. More specifically, storage safety. This session will incorporate fire officials into a discussion centered on the uniqueness of battery fires, how to prevent them, and how to fight them. Panelists will share what it means to "fail safe," elaborate on prevention and safety mechanisms, and consider how to effectively communicate risks to the community.

Sandra Louis, Director, Business Development and Strategy - EVLO Energy Storage Inc.
Eula Billaut, Project Engineer, Energy Storage & Distributed Generation - EPRI
Elizabeth Waldren, Senior Engineering Manager - REV Renewables
Scott Murtishaw, Executive Director - California Energy Storage Alliance
Daniel Clark, Director, BESS Safety & Standards - Terra-Gen, LLC
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