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Using battery energy storage to provide transmission benefits

June 26, 2024
Patio Room
Virtual power plants , Battery storage , Utility-scale

9:30-10:15 AM PST

This session will delve into the value streams that Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) can offer in shaping the future of the California grid. Panelists will share their insights on how batteries can be leveraged to provide energy, ancillary services, and potentially avoid or delay transmission upgrades while maintaining grid reliability. Additionally, the panel will discuss challenges related to modeling and the regulatory landscape.

Hui Zhang, Director of Grid Innovation - AES
Colleen Lueken, Market Development Director - AES
Sergio Dueñas, Storage Sector Manager - CAISO
Manuel Avendaño, PhD, Sr. Manager - Transmission Planning - Southern California Edison
Gigio Sakota, Sr. Director - Energy Markets - Avantus
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