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Flexible interconnection: Expanding options and reducing costs to decarbonize

October 24, 2023
Salon III/IV

As the electricity market in the United States shifts toward cleaner and more distributed energy resources, flexible interconnection plays an important role in maintaining grid stability, reliability, and resilience while providing customers with faster and more cost-effective interconnection services that minimize unnecessary grid upgrades. 

This panel discussion will bring together experts to explore multifaceted opportunities and challenges associated with flexible interconnection, exploring innovative strategies for implementing new interconnection services. Panelists will discuss different methods for offering interconnection agreements, cutting-edge grid integration techniques, advanced control systems, and data-driven decision-making to support the dynamic energy landscape. 

Todd Wall, Mechanical Engineer - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Drew Smith, Director of Utility Solutions - Smarter Grid Solutions
Justin Woodard, PE, Principal Engineer - National Grid
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