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Peer-to-peer roundtable discussion | Grid-integrated critical facility microgrids: Engineering for maximum value

October 24, 2023

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Battery energy storage systems (BESS) have demonstrated value in providing critical facility back-up power, bulk power load shaping, revenue generation via ISO market participation, and benefits from grid efficiency through solar integration and asset deferral. 

However, enabling a single BESS microgrid to combine values from each of these categories requires detailed understanding of the specific value mechanisms and an engineering-based approach to microgrid design.

United Illuminating Company (UI), in conjunction with Sound Grid Partners (SGP), recently conducted a BESS microgrid analysis and design process at three locations in Connecticut that are designed to provide resiliency to critical facilities while also maximizing value to other grid customers through improved reliability and ISO market applications.

This roundtable session will provide an opportunity to learn about and share situations where BESS microgrids that balance critical facility and/or circuit resilience with economic benefits for all customers.  Details from the UI / SGP BESS microgrid design process including BESS microgrid resiliency analysis methodologies and ISO NE market opportunities will be shared to encourage dialogue.  This includes a description of the outage probability analysis performed that provided a sound basis for balancing critical customer resiliency with load shaping and other revenue-focused applications.   

Participants will come away from this session with a better understanding of engineering-based methodologies and tangible steps to design BESS microgrid for maximum value via multiple diverse applications.

Dan Sowder, P.E., Principal - Sound Grid Partners
Marley Cross, Senior Power System Engineer - Sound Grid Partners
Joel Kopylec, Manager, Smart Grid Innovation Programs - Avangrid
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