Built around curated content, tailored itineraries, and the most influential minds of today, GridTECH Connect is unlike any other event. GridTECH Connect allows our partners and attendees to connect directly based on their specific challenges. This curated experience ensures our attendees and sponsors have meaningful and transformative conversations.
We understand that you may be contacted by outside companies attempting to sell you exhibitor services, lead retrieval, hotel reservations, attendee lists or more for the upcoming GridTECH Connect Forum. Please rest assured, we never sell our exhibitor’s contact information – in fact, we follow strict data privacy regulations here at Clarion. Unless the email is coming from one of these addresses... it may be a scam – and we ask that you please proceed with caution!
- @clarionevents.com (overall event updates and information)
- @events.cdsreg.com or @xpressreg.net (registration and lead retrieval)
- @connectionshousing.com (hotel when co-located with DISTRIBUTECH International)