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KnowledgeBridge™️: SCADA & the cloud

February 06, 2023

9:30 - 10:30 AM PT

The cloud is changing the way companies across all industries are using technology to drive meaningful changes in transforming to be more agile and flexible. This has unleashed innovation across the utility industry as more and more utilities are finding ways of moving to the cloud. Operational systems such as SCADA, Data historian or Asset optimization tools have traditionally been systems more complicated for a move to the cloud.

EDF, one of the largest global energy companies, undertook this challenge for their renewable asset fleet. This session will focus on the journey that EDF is undertaking in migrating operational tools to the cloud. In a facilitated session, solutions and approaches will be discussed along with the benefits and risks associated with these types of migrations.
Quentin Morel, Director – Power Grid Modernization and IoT - EDF

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