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Cost sharing and cluster studies: How the Southeast can embrace the latest trend in clean energy integration

February 26, 2024
GridTECH SE 24

1:15 - 2:00 PM ET

Federal policy is moving the bulk power system toward a pro forma cluster study process for resource integration, aiming to alleviate clogged interconnection cues and distribute upgrade costs among multiple parties. The same can't be said for the distribution grid, which remains, in much of the Southeast, fragmented and set in a one-by-one approach to interconnection. This session will analyze the benefits and drawbacks to cluster studies and cost sharing for DER interconnection in the Southeast. 



Myra Sinnott, Senior Project Development Manager/Head of Interconnection - Delorean Power
Yarrow Etheredge, Manager, RTO Policy - Entergy
Blan Holman, VP, Regulatory Affairs - Pine Gate Renewables
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