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Improving interconnection transparency for DERs

February 26, 2024
GridTECH SE 24

3:05 - 3:50 PM ET

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Transmission interconnection queue placement affords developers access to crucial system data. At the distribution level, however, the process can often be significantly more opaque, with developers lacking access to hosting capacity maps, line and substation load data, voltages, and more. This session will explore opportunities for improved transparency in DER interconnection that balances developer needs with utility system safeguards.

Brian Fitzsimons, CEO - GridUnity
Mrunmayee Gujar, Director Interconnection Distributed Power - Origis Energy
Jerry Warchol, Manager Electric Distribution Grid Solutions - Dominion Energy
Wendy Anastasiou, Distributed Energy Resources Program Manager - Tampa Electric
Andrew Ingram, P.E., Senior Research Engineer - Southern Company
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