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Progress through partnerships: How utilities and developers can find common ground on DER interconnection

February 26, 2024
GridTECH SE 24

9:40 - 10:25 AM ET

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Developers and utilities are often billed as opponents. While one is in pursuit of fighting the effects of climate change, the other aims to preserve a century-old status quo. Not only does this posturing lack the nuance of a complicated dynamic, but it also stands to stunt the energy transition. In reality, all parties are in pursuit of the cleanest and most-reliable grid. How do we get there, together? This session explores how radical collaboration between developers, utilities, and their regulators can improve resource planning and integration. 

Dana Dohse, VP of Marketing - EnergyHub
Brandon Bowles, Vice President, Grid Integration - Nexamp
David Herlong, Executive Director, Smart Grid & Innovation - Florida Power & Light Company (FPL)
Kevin Young, Director Customer DER Programs - Tampa Electric
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