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Jennifer Chamberlin

Jennifer Chamberlin

Director of Government and Regulatory Affairs, ENGIE

Ms. Chamberlin brings more than 25 years of expert competitive market and policy advocacy to ENGIEs Energy Solutions business. Ms. Chamberlin has extensive experience advocating for, developing, and analyzing market rules and procurement policy across the competitive energy industry. Her career has had a focus on the market rules surrounding renewable energy, demand side resources and retail access marketplaces throughout the US.

Prior joining ENGIE,  Ms. Chamberlin served the Executive Director of Market Development for CPower, Director of Regulatory Affairs for Johnson Controls Integrated Demand Resources business unit, as the principal of Energy Policy Advocates, Director of Regulatory and Legislative Policy for LS Power Development, Manager of Regulatory and Government Affairs for Strategic Energy and Direct Energy, Manager of Regulatory Affairs for Chevron Energy Solutions, and Manager of Market Development for PG&E Energy Services. She was previously a consultant with Barakat and Chamberlin.
