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Mark Karl

Mark Karl

Vice President, Market Development and Settlements, ISO New England
As Vice President, Market Development & Settlements, Mark Karl is responsible for the design and development of wholesale electricity markets and oversees the functions of Wholesale Market Design, Demand Resources Strategy, Market Settlements and Analysis, Market Operations Support Services; and the Chief Economist and his Economic Analysis Group. Mr. Karl previously served as Senior Director of Resource Adequacy in the ISO’s System Planning Department, where he was responsible for the operation of the Forward Capacity Auction, development of the load forecast and installed capacity requirements, and the auction qualification process. Prior to that, he served as Director of Market Development and Integration, designing markets and representing the ISO in stakeholder, regulatory, and legislative processes. Before joining the ISO in 2000, Mr. Karl was at Duquesne Light Company in Pittsburgh for nearly 20 years. During his tenure there, he was a key figure in leading the company through Pennsylvania’s transition to competitive markets, interacting extensively with state regulators and holding various roles—including engineer at fossil and nuclear plants—and others in finance and strategic planning, as well as regulatory and economic analysis.